She has been addicted ever since!!
These are the only pictures I could get of her...then she zoomed off before I could yell,
"Where's your HELMET???"
Grrrrrr... the battle of wearing her helmet... gives me a headache even thinking about it!!
My baby is 6 and half, and about to graduate Kindergarten!
She surprises me everyday with her new attained knowledge about life, school, reading, friends, and JUSTIN BIEBER!!??
This little miss has the Bieber fever... BIG time!
I marvel in her childhood innocence...
It takes me back to when I learned how to ride a Bicycle...
My kindergarten crush was George Michael!!
Cuz I gotta have faith a faith a faith, I gotta have FAITH...
cuz I gotta have faith a faith a faith
I still like to hold her like the little baby girl she once was...
but I be sure to let go... so I can watch her grow..
and YES... I am a poet and didn't knowit?? bahahahaha
CONGRATS! no training wheels! That is awesome!!! Happy Friday!