We had a yummy dinner and delicious treats
and enjoyed a cozy fire right in our front yard!
I was thinking about the past year 2011...
It was a year of changes and new and exciting things...
Brayden entered Jr. High, this past fall, and loves it!!
He also turned 13!!
he is all better and good as new..
he's pretty proud of his tiny scar
they were married this past year...
She is good to my babies and loves them... and they love her
Welcome 2012
I met some of my monthly goals in 2011...
one big one was to give up soda pop!
I am pleased to announce... SUCCESS!!!
This year my New Years Resolution is to work on my Health
I have joined in a Biggest Loser Competition with my Family...
So far so good... I have learned to love walking (and rocking out with the ipod)
and still trying to not hate climbing the bleacher steps...
and toning my arms and legs with stretchy power band... Roar!
I still HATE sit ups! I think I have managed two thus far ;)
and last but not least...
Momma needs to get back to school
Happy New Year!! 2012
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