Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Brayden!!

Brayden's First Halloween (the day before his first birthday)
My little pig and Jacob as Spiderman...
Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig... does whatever a Spider-Pig does...
My right hand man... Helped me at work the other day
I woke Brayden up bright and early this morning...
and showered him with hugs and kisses and a couple presents
I heart this face!! picture taken 11/1/10... 12 years old!!

Today My Buggaboo turns 12!! Brayden, I love you.... You are my first born, my laugh, my smile, my sunshine... You were due on Halloween day, but came the next morning on a Sunday, November 1st, born at 11:05 am... I was in labor for 19 hours, and had to push for 2 hours to get you out... your Dad was there, along with Grandma and Grandpa Long and Aunt Emery. You were my biggest baby, I'm talkin BIG BABY, weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz and was 19 inches long!
The doctor said, "Good thing that he's a boy, with shoulders like that, he could be a linemen for the Green Bay Packers!" Grandpa was quick to correct him, "for BYU" :) We rejoiced when you were placed on my belly, only to hear a little "car engine starting" when we rubbed you warm and looked at your big hands and feet. I cried tears of joy, and kept exclaiming, "You are HUGE!" must have been those Woppers from Burger King that I craved when I was preggers with you ;)
Brayden, you are becoming a fine young man... you are a wonderful "Big" brother, always looking out for your brother and sister... they love you so much! I couldn't have asked for a better son to lead the pack... You are quick to compliment me, even if it's something little, and you have a funny sense
of humor that makes me laugh till I have tears in my eyes.... Silly boy!!
I love you!!! Happy Birthday, and many more...

1 comment:

  1. OMG! This made me cry!!!! I remember when Brayden was born! Things are sure different now. I love you Kel, Brayden, Kelson and Kenley!!!


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